Friday 18 November 2011

Five Reasons To Incorporate An Offshore Company

When it comes to the term "offshore" is used in conjunction with the company's articles of association, the term 'offshore' generally refers to any jurisdiction that in which the company does most of its activities.

In general, that jurisdiction has some degree of tax benefit or report contained which makes it attractive for the owner of the company and the concept of incorporating an offshore company to bring at least one of the five benefits to a company owner : -

1) ease - the legal system and, depending on the type of action to take in the name of the company should take, use restrictions, and standards of auditing and standards that the company and its employees and directors must comply with often far less restrictive offshore than on land.

The exceptions to this rule are financial services companies based in many countries, for example, which must comply with additional regulatory legislation for the protection of our customers.

The advantage of facilitating the operations, especially for a small or start a business is to reduce operating costs and the time the directors of a company have to spend on form filling and filing of the report.

2) Reporting Simplification - this with the first benefit, in most offshore jurisdictions promote the company's operations in the company's reporting requirements are often much smaller and simpler than the company's business was done outside of the jurisdiction in which is installed.

In addition, personal information on directors of the company and shareholders should not be recognized in all cases or the extent to which personal information is required is much less intrusive.

3) Reduction of tax / Negation - the reduction of the tax debt is one of the main benefits of foreign investment, opening an offshore bank account or incorporating a company offshore.

If you have created your business in a low or no tax jurisdiction you could potentially save substantial sums of money legally. Often the rules are that if the company is included in a particular jurisdiction does not draw an income of the local economy, it can operate tax free.

It is therefore possible to use an offshore company in an overall international business structure and ensure profits are posted in the offshore jurisdiction and so no tax is liable! Many international companies operating in this way and made to cancel their tax liability in full.

Asset Protection 4) - by operating a company offshore, ie outside of the jurisdiction where the Company operates, it is sometimes possible to position assets away from the reach of any legal action and also to protect commercial transactions from the eyes of the competition.

5) Protection of privacy - the level at which the director is required or personal information of shareholders, held, visible or investigated offshore is likely to be much less invasive and more powerful of the earth. It 'also possible to appoint the directors and secretaries of candidates for offshore companies in many countries, in order to maintain the identity of the true owner of the company is shielded.

The information in this article does not constitute advice. Everyone's circumstances are unique and whether or not the establishment of offshore companies is something that could benefit your business can not be determined with personal advice.